Mixed Media on Canvas Art is About FreedomArt is About Freedom - 36X36 Cordiform - 66X65Cordiform - 66X65 The DanceThe Dance - 60X66 InfinityInfinity - 63X75 Undercurrents96X60Undercurrents - 96X60 Artifacts - 57X71Artifacts - 57X71 EntanglementEntanglement - 48X60 Broken ConnectionBroken Connection - 63X75 Maze63X75Maze - 63X75 SilhouetteSilhouette - 84X63 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERADissonance - 66X64 Earthscape IVEarthscape IV - 60X66 Bridge The DivideBridging The Divide WabiSabi54X54Wabi Sabi - 54X54 Brain Storm Over KansasBrain Storm Over Kansas - 63X75 Contortionist48X60Contortionist 48 X 60 PowerofOne60X96Power of One - 60X96 Three MoonsThree Moons 30 X 40 Countersync36X36Countersync - 36X36 Caldron - 65X66Caldron - 65X66 SpindleSpindle - 36X36 Nature's WayNature's Way - 48X60 Other SideOther Side - 60X96 Land MassLand Mass Diptych - 60X96 HiddenPlaces96X60Hidden Place - 60X96 Output InputOutput/Input - 36X36 BreathlessBreathless - 84X63 CIMG4173Opening at Instituto de Mexico ShardShard - 48X36 ChurnChurn - 63X75 By All MeansBy All Means - 63X75 ParadeParade - 36X24 Kimono36X36Kimono - 36X36 PrimusPrimus - 63X75 TsunamiTsunami - 48X36 Step ThroughStep Through - 63X84 Earthscape3_60X66Earthscape III - 60X66 Cross48X60Cross - 48X60 TheDance2_60X66The Dance 2 - 60X66 CaravanCaravan - 63X75 Shell GameShell Game - 66X60 NightFlight36X48Night Flight - 36X48 TheDeep60X66The Deep - 60X66 Red RockRed Rock - 63X84 Nocturnal36X48Nocturnal - 36X48 BoundlessBoundless - 63X75 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAPilgrimage - 66X98 WingsWings - 60X66 TotemsTotems - 63X84 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFalling into Oblivion - 56X70.5 Vortex63X75Vortex - 63X75 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERATip of the Iceberg - 32X35 Over UnderOver Under - 60X96 Holding it TogetherHolding It Together Seconds Before NightfallSeconds Before Nightfall - 63X75 Tripping to BountifulTripping to Bountiful - 96X60 Atmosphere48X60Atmosphere - 48X60 Blue66X60Blue - 66X60 HighOnes36X36High Ones - 36X36 MonolithMonolith - 63X75 Aura48X48Aura - 48X48 CoalescenceCoalescence - 63X75 Bioluminescence36X48Bioluminescence - 36X48 Cloud Burst - 68X76Cloud Burst - 68X76 Fragment63X75Fragment - 63X75 July 30, 2013 by whitbysandy Posted in Mixed Media On Canvas and tagged with abstract art, contemporary art, mixed media on paper, modern art. RSS 2.0 feed.